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New York Smoke School Field Training Schedule

AeroMet operates public smoke schools at the following location(s) in New York every 6 months to ensure your EPA Method 9 certification does not expire. Upon completion, you will be certified to perform opacity observations in accordance with EPA Method 9. Please click on a smoke school below to see additional information.

Regulatory Agency Information: New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation

Date Confirmed Saratoga Spa State Park Peerless Pool
Date Confirmed Erie County Fairgrounds RV area
Date Confirmed Green Lakes State Park Lake View Picnic Area
Date Confirmed Belmont Lake Park Birch Pavilion
Date Confirmed Erie County Fairgrounds RV Area - Second School
Date Confirmed Green Lakes State Park Lake View Picnic Area - Second School
Date Confirmed Saratoga Spa State Park Peerless Pool - Second School
Date Confirmed Belmont Lake Park Birch Pavilion - Second School

New York & Surrounding Area Smoke Schools